Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Sexual Abuse in the Mormon Church

Joseph Smith originated sexual abuse in the Mormon church when he coerced young women (as young as 14) into sexual relations under the auspices of “celestial marriage.”  Then the whole idea of polygamy (which is abuse of wives, etc) became doctrine. Of course Smith and other polygamists claimed there were no plural marriages going on in Nauvoo; i.e. lying about polygamy that was indeed taking place. 

When Mormon leadership decided to have a manifesto denouncing polygamy (essentially so Utah could become a state), Mormons continued to lie about it taking place for many more years. Protecting sexual predators is part of Mormon history.

The article even points out that this predator was just shuffled around to other locations — sort of like the way Catholicism handles their predator priests!

In addition to the HUFFPOST article, I came across another article which demonstrates the horrid sexuality teaching the LDS forces on children, and their rampant child sex abuse. (Be sure to watch the whole video to learn about the odd things they teach in regards to human sexuality.)

So with the history of sexual abuse and sexual immorality in the LDS cult, and their lying to cover it all up from the beginning, these articles didn’t really surprise me.  After all, when their religion is all about control, money, and sex, what else could you expect?

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