Friday, August 26, 2022

An Agglomeration Exposing the LDS Fraud

Most of these article are from the excellent site, Life After Ministry. I highly recommend this site for Mormons and those who seek to help Mormons leave that cult.

Interesting post about a book which “was a compilation of dozens of Mormon documents that are now out of print, or hard to find.” One of the claims exposed is that Joseph Smith and Jesus are both redeemers of mankind. Please show me from Scripture where anyone but Jesus is our redeemer.

Multi-level marketing seems to be a gateway to spiritual deception and Mormons dominate that industry.

Thirteen Lies One Apostle Told at Conference. Wow!

Crucifixion Lies Told to LDS Kids. A HUGE lie is telling them that Jesus’ atonement was made in the Garden of Gethsemane instead of the crucifixion. 

Why Mormons Can’t Observe Pentecost 2022. Or any other years’ Pentecost. Some great examples.

Get used to a Different Jesus. Examining the LDS in light of the TV series, The Chosen. Included in the article is an excellent condensed exposure of the unbiblical history and teachings of the Mormon church.

Anachronisms in Book of Abraham. In actuality, the whole Book of Mormon also is rife with anachronisms. This alone proves the books are frauds.

Jesus becomes our father?!?

Conference Quote: LDS Doctrine Doesn’t Change. Oh, really? The first thoughts which came to my mind were polygamy and racism. Michelle gives several more.

One of These Things is Not Like the Other. Joseph Smith said, “The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead.” Perhaps he needed to read Hebrews 9:27. After death comes judgement, period.

Adam’s Two Wives. The main question to refute this nonsense is, why did God say the TWO shall become one? This teaching was used to support the LDS doctrine of polygamy.

Communion Free For All? And here I thought it was reserved for Christians.

And, finally for today, “Investigating The Evidence For Mormonism In Six Steps” should be enough to convince of the fraudulent nature of the Mormon religion.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Did They Really Say That?

Gospel Topics – Noah“The prophet Joseph Smith taught that Noah is the angel Gabriel and stands next to Adam in holding the keys of salvation.

What is it with Mormons that they think people become angels/or vice versa?!? Angels are separately-created beings which are different from humans. Noah never was the angel Gabriel since they are both distinct personages.

Secondly, NO ONE holds the “keys of salvation” except God/Jesus. The “key” to salvation is faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Just more proof that Joseph Smith was a false prophet. 

H/T: Life After Ministry.