Monday, November 18, 2024

Heresy and Lies

A Testimony of Joseph Smith is vital. No man can accept Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, no man can accept this as His church, the Church of Jesus Christ, unless he can accept Joseph Smith as God’s mouthpiece and the restorer of His world in these latter days. First, to say that we are Christians then requires two or three certainties. We must know for certainty in our hearts and minds that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world. We must know that this is indeed the Church of Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God on earth in these last days; and finally we must have a testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.

The Teachings of Harold B. Lee, pg. 371.  Lee was the 11th President of the LDS.

According to this statement, no person was really a Christian until the 1800s when Joseph Smith came along, because no person from the New Testament times until Smith could accept Smith as a prophet--they wouldn’t even have heard of him yet!! This is heresy in the utmost!!

Since Smith’s institution of his false “church,” no real Christian will accept false prophet Smith as a prophet of God, and certainly no real Christian can accept the blasphemous LDS as “the Church of Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God on earth in these last days” because it was founded on a false prophet and is based on lies, false teachings of every kind, and the worship of a false god (who is a man). Even their Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible because the LDS Mary had sex with their god to provide an earthly body for Jesus while the real Mary was a virgin when she became pregnant--and stay so until giving birth to Jesus.

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