Saturday, December 30, 2023

Adam WAS Formed From Dust!

You believe Adam was made of the dust of this earth. This I do not believe, though it is supposed that it is so written in the Bible; but it is not, to my understanding. You can write that information to the States, if you please—that I have publicly declared that I do not believe that portion of the Bible as the Christian world do. I never did, and I never want to. What is the reason I do not? Because I have come to understanding, and banished from my mind all the baby stories my mother taught me when I was a child.

Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 2:6

Genesis 2:7 states: And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

"it is supposed that it is so written in the Bible; but it is not, to my understanding"?!?! It is specifically written in the Bible, as anyone actually reading the Bible would know.

But Brigham called it "baby stories," blaspheming God who stated how he formed Adam. Yet Young is declared to be a prophet of God all the while what God has said.

Mormons, like other cults, dismiss things in the Bible that they don't agree with and which would prove their who belief system is founded of false prophets and false teachers.


Mary said...

Thank you, brother Glenn, for continuing to expose the false beliefs of the LDS. On the surface Mormons appear to be “good Christian believers” but I read your notes and clearly see their falsehoods. Thank you for your ministry, it is a tremendous blessing to me and others. May God bless you and your family.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


You are quite welcome. Too many people are easily hooked into this false belief system.

I live near Iowa City, which has a big part in LDS history. The railroads from the east ended there and so that is where the made the encampment to outfit for tracking west. The site is by the SW corner of Highway US6 and Mormon Trek Blvd. And Nauvoo is about a 2-hour drive via crossing the river at Keokuk so we have a large population of Mormons around here. My article about our ministry in Iowa City tells about how we were able to witness to Mormons there:

Did you see my post about how I became a Mormon and after becoming a Christian that's what made me get into apologetics? I'm trying to get more time for this blog; I have a never-ending supply of information!

Thanks for your encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Mormon apologists can have conversations that would rip your intellectual head off. You don't even refute anything. Rather, you post recycled soundbites from various anti-LDS website that perpetuate the same nonsense that as been answered many times by LDS apologists, scholars, and theologians for decades. Time for you to get a new hobby.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...


I have responded to many LDS apologists and I do a good job "ripping" their heads off. My "soundbites" are almost all my own. Only when I post a collection of links, or once in a blue moon cite another person, are the posts and thoughts not my own.

And the "answers" the LDS have spewed for decades have always been blown out of the water by Christian apologists.

You sound like a typical LDS troll posting the same paragraphs wherever you visit. I also notice that YOU didn't even try to refute my post.