Wednesday, August 9, 2023

What Is the Gospel?

[The Gospel] embraces all morality, all virtue, all light, all intelligence, all greatness, and all goodness. It introduces a system of laws and ordinances.

Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young, pg.17

The biblical Gospel is much simpler. It is that we are all sinners before God and in need of a savior, and that Savior is Jesus the Messiah, who was born from a virgin and was sinless. Jesus took our punishment by being put to death on a cross and then raised from the dead, proving his sacrifice was acceptable to God the Father. He is our great high priest and those who place their faith in Him and his sacrifice are saved from hell and punishment in the afterlife.

It does NOT embrace all those ideas, laws and ordinances of which Mr. Young claims. Which is another example as to the false nature of the Mormon Church.

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