Monday, June 18, 2018

Questions For Mormons

I’m always curious if any Mormons are ever looking at this blog; I don’t seem to get many comments on my posts.

Well, here are some great questions for Mormon readers, and I’d really be interested in your responses.  (These questions come from the “Life After Ministry” blog.)

1—Who exactly, mistranslated the Bible?

2—What parts of the Bible are mistranslated?

3 – Are there any historical documents that could shed light on where the trusted translations are located?

4 – Why would Heavenly Father desert His creation and what purpose did that serve us and Him?

5 – Why do millions of people continue to use the Bible if it’s not translated correctly?

6 – Does anyone today speak the same languages the people from biblical days spoke?

7 – When did the Bible become corrupt?

8 – Where did the reputable translations go?

9 – How did everyone go the way of corruption when Jesus promised in the Bible that the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail?

Put your thinking cap on and give me some answers, please!

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