Saturday, January 25, 2025

Speaking Against Polygamy Brings Damnation??

Journal of Discourses 5:203: “The principle of plurality of wives never will be done away”(Deseret News, November 7, 1855.)

You might as well deny Mormonism and turn away from it, as to oppose the plurality of wives. Let the Presidency of this Church, and the Twelve Apostles, and all the authorities unite and say with one voice that they will oppose that doctrine, and the whole of them will be damned. 

Heber C. Kimball, Salt Lake City, October 12, 1856

I suppose Mr. Anonymous will also claim these passages are out of the context of the time, but that would be a lie.  Good ol’ Joseph Smith received a revelation from God, so you know it had to be imbibed in or else. Actually, Smith’s so-called revelation was to justify his serial adultery which was sometimes with other Mormon members’ wives!

And then, conveniently, it was inconvenient for statehood to be polygamous so President Wilford Woodruff received another revelation cancelling the law of polygamy.

The REAL God of the Bible intended for one man/one woman unions (the reason he gave Adam ONE woman). Just because there were people in the Bible who failed to obey God’s rules, that doesn’t condemn the rule—it condemns those who break the rules.

H/T Life After Ministry.


Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I just knew there'd be that "historical context" line. Sorry, your defense of the LDS is not welcome here. The context is that Joseph Smith was a serial adulterer and claimed a revelation from God to defend it. Pretty sad when people have to give "context" to soften the evil.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to share some feedback on your post and the way discussions seem to be handled here. I hope you’ll take this constructively, as my intent is to encourage thoughtful engagement.

First, I noticed that many of the comments appear to be self-generated or pre-prepared. While I understand the challenges of fostering discussions in a blog space, this approach can come across as inauthentic. It may discourage genuine readers from commenting or engaging because it feels like the dialogue is staged rather than organic. Transparency about this practice—if it’s intentional—might help build trust with your audience.

Second, I didn’t see any clear comment guidelines posted. Guidelines can be helpful in managing discussions while setting the tone for respectful dialogue. They also help readers understand how moderation works and why some comments might be excluded. Without this clarity, it can come across as if dissenting opinions are being shut down arbitrarily.

Finally, I wanted to point out how the tone of the post might be perceived. Some parts come across as condescending or dismissive, which can make it feel less like an invitation for open dialogue and more like a defense of a position without room for discussion. When making public statements or claims, there’s a responsibility to foster open and respectful conversations, even with those who might disagree.

I hope this feedback is helpful. I appreciate the effort you put into creating content and hope this can support an even better experience for your readers.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

NO comment by ME is self-generated or pre-prepared, yours certainly appears to be so it can be used with an "anti-Mormon" blog/post.

I don't post guidelines because my only guideline is no comment promoting/defending Mormonism will be posted; this blog is not for defending the indefensible.
Tone is what you want to make it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for responding. What I am to understand then is that you are absolutely correct and without any error regarding your claims? And there is nothing any one is able to offer or contribute without it arbitrarily being shut down and deemed as a hasty generalization of "defending" the LDS Faith?

Does not seem to bode well in offering open discussion to understand and exchange ideas - even if there is disagreement.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

I am 100% correct that the LDS religion is not Christian. It is an illogical, science-fiction belief like Erich von Däniken's book "Chariots of the Gods."

When you try to excuse away the LDS racism and LDS polygamy--both of which are grave sins--as just things that were part of the culture of the time, that isn't a valid arguement because the LDS say they got these teachings via direct revelations from God.

As with every other Mormon (and you can't convince me that YOU aren't a Mormon) you want an audience to do your best to defend the LDS faith. I will not give you a forum to teach LDS doctrines and excuse they away if they don't sit well with modern cultures.

I suggest you instead study articles on this blog, starting at the beginning where I address LDS "scriptures," etc. I PROVE that the LDS scriptures are frauds, the Joseph Smith was a fake as were all so-called prophets and apostles over the years.

Anonymous said...

in other words, you are perfect and without error, above rebuke, and refutation. I'd love to know who your pastor is and what Church you attend and share with him how you interact with people.

I don't believe you are a Christian. More like a closet Atheist.

Glenn E. Chatfield said...

Typical Mormon with the ad hominem attack. You don't like to be confronted so you claim I am something I never claimed or even intimated to be. I've refuted the LDS on this entire blog using nothing more than LDS teachings and scripture.
You are now finished here. You are whining because I won't give you an audience to preach LDS.