Although I have seen this before, it was recently brought to my attention again by the Life After Ministry blog.
Read these lyrics:
Praise to his mem’ry he died as a martyr;
Honored and blest be his ever great name!
Long shall his blood, which was shed by assassins,
Plead unto heav’n while the earth lauds his fame.
Great is his glory and endless his priesthood.
Ever and ever the keys he will hold.
Faithful and true, he will enter his kingdom,
Crowned in the midst of the prophets of old.
Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven;
Earth must atone for the blood of that man.
Wake up the world for the conflict of justice.
Millions shall know “Brother Joseph” again.
As I have stated many, many times, Smith was not a martyr because he got into a gunfight with those who came to get him—HE SHOT BACK!!
This “hymn” sounds like a praise and worship Joseph Smith song. The “earth” doesn’t laud his fame; he was only famous to the LDS cult. To the rest of the world he was infamous. AND Smith’s “priesthood,” as fake as it was, ended with his death!
Since Smith was a false prophet he will hot see God as the real prophets of God did.
This song is so full of lies it should be torn out of the Mormon hymnal.