Sunday, March 1, 2015

Did They Really Say That?!?

No man can be perfect without the woman, so no woman can be perfect without a man to lead her.  I tell you the truth as it is in the bosom of eternity.  If he wishes to be saved, he cannot be saved without a woman by his side.

Brigham Young, as cited in "The Miracle of Forgiveness," p.245

I'm assuming from the context that this teaching by Brigham Young, "prophet of God," would be the same for a woman, which means without a man she cannot be saved.

Can someone please show me from the Bible where anyone's salvation depends upon their being married?  By this statement, Young has eliminated all single people from being saved!

REAL Christians know that salvation is dependent only upon faith in Jesus Christ (the REAL Jesus Christ) and His payment for our sins.

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