Tuesday, September 24, 2024

An Agglomeration

I have read so many articles exposing the LDS for the false belief system that it is, that I decided it was time to share the links to some of the articles for my readers’ education. I’m more than happy to discuss any article in my links below. But first, how about a citation from LDS President Wilford Woodruff:

The Lord will never permit me or any other man who stands as President of this Church to lead you astray. It is not in the programme. It is not in the mind of God. If I were to attempt that, the Lord would remove me out of my place. (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff, pg.199.)

So let us test Woodruff’s claim and see how teachings, as noted in the articles linked to, really do lead people astray from the true God of the universe and the true Jesus Christ.

4 Reasons to Reject Restoration Claims. I think these are all excellent reasons to reject the claims.

Can anyone show me from Scripture where the LDS temples are anything like the Jewish temples, with the requirement to wear special garments which themselves keep changing over the years? Please show me from scripture and historical records where Christians had temples with the requirement for special “underwear.” 

One of my favorite books when researching Mormonism was 3,913 Changes in the Book of Mormon. Quite a think publication, but you can also read some on-line at the Utah Lighthouse Ministry. I find it difficult to believe that a book of gold plates was translated through a special seer stone in a hat under the special direction of God and still have thousands of changes from the original, God-directed manuscript!

Does the Mormon God have his own God? Too many LDS leaders taught that their God did indeed have a father God—including Joseph Smith himself. This is a totally unbiblical theology, as well as being totally illogical!!!

Life After Ministry blog is an outstanding source of teachings exposing the lies, the false teachings, false prophets, etc of the Latter-Day Saints. So I’m going to give more links to several articles from this site.

Racism was endemic in the LDS from the very beginning, as show by the many racist teachings in the Book of Mormon.

LDS Canon Still Contains Racist Doctrines. So don’t let the LDS say it being a mistake of the past, etc. My BIG question is, why are there blacks who are Mormons?!?

LDS Lies: ‘Negroes Markedly Inferior’. Well, the truth is far from that—Negroes are real humans with real talents/gifts of their own and not a bit inferior to “whites.”

The LDS claims that the Bible Shows “Racial Streams,” aka, Racism. But in order to understand the Bible that way they have to twist the meaning of Scripture.

As I have done before, I will remind the reader of book published by the LDS: Mormonism and the Negro, by John J. Stewart. One of the most racist books you will read.

One more item and I’ll quit for today: Conference Quote Reveals More Racist Lies and Contradictions.